My four twenty baby is my daughter Rachelle...she was born on Frank's graduation day from the CHP at 4:20, I picked Dr. Bob because he had in big red letters in the phone book :"NO ABORTIONS",,,,,,he is an amazing dr. I had back labor all night then woke up thinking I might be in Labor....called his office...called Frank out of the academy and on our way to a baby...I wanted an epidural and my husband at the time wanted it all to be natural..I had told my friend Cindy..he doesn't love me! She said just wait till he sees you in pain he will want you to have one..I had the best Anesthesiologist in the State Of Calif because we had Rachelle at Sutter Memorial=across from Sutters fort in Sacramento and that hospital has the neonatal section where they fly all emergency babies into. Any way he had given a class and told all of the ladies that it was like having a Margarita and that sold me! And he said come on were not in the dark ages.....
My very best friend Susan Deegan had been in a car crash and died about 15 years ago. She is buried within 200 yards of my father. I sent 3 dozen long stemmed yellow roses in the shape of a heart. Her other two best girlfriends sent hearts & flowers too. I spoke at her funeral and at the graveside service i looked down * I had a snag in my I smiled Susan was saying dont be so serious. They allowed everyone to choose a flower to put on her casket...She had the most beautiful long stem red roses from her husband..probably 3,000 worth-I had worked in a flower shop in Bishop * I know the price of funeral flowers...many people chose the red roses yet my classmates all took a yellow rose from my gift and laid them on her casket...all of the flowers were gone except one yellow rose. Frank said Susan left that for you....well we walked over to my fathers grave and on it was his date of birth Oct 10-deceased Jan 8, 1971...which was 20 years and 2 days to the date of my sweet daughters birth. God really loves us...he replaces sorrow with joy.\
Oh we had to fly back right after the funeral because we both had to work the next day....It was right after 9-11 in March. I was dressed in black heels & my classic black jacket and skirt...the airport chose to search me....Frank had tears in his eyes when he told them to please not search me I had just come from my best friends funeral. They did say sorry sir yet they couldnt profile. I just said it was fine. I would strip search for the USA if I had to.
Susan was on her way from Phoenix to San Diego because her daughter Cari was giving birth. Her daughter Teal & her husband Jim * his son Jimmy were also in the car. Teal broke her leg & Jimmy is paralized from the waist down, yet he is a great kid..Teal and I are friends..I need to look up Alexis her grand daughter and Cari. I held Lexy at Susan's viewing..It was very Bitter Sweet. I promised Susan I would look after her daughters and grand daughter..I must believe God has brought me to Corona again for His purposes and that He has plans for me. One is I attend Cross Roads Church * Susans oldest sister who was like a sister to married to Pastor Chuck, They are estranged from the somehow God wants to use me to bring them all together once God is amazing how He speaks to us....He often whispers my name.
A friend loves at all times.....Jesus
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