So it's amazing what the addition or lack of a $1,000 can do in one persons life! Just ask me & I can tell some tales......
So this past 2&1/2 years have been very interesting to say the least.
God has a verse for each of us where He says "I am testing you to see if you love me with all of your heart, soul & mind.' He also promises us that "then you will come to me and call on me and pray to me and I will listen and answer you. You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart." This is the second section of the verse in Jeremiah which people leave out....
At this point in my life I have so surrendered to God's will basically because I had no choice. Due to the events of the past few years...I am now living with my mother & her husband, back in my bedroom...everything I own is in a 10 by 10 Storage Unit. WOW!...this is from a woman who used to own big beautiful homes & I collected European Antiques etc..well I still own a nice car. that will never change although my car got reposed last year & it literally fell apart another time. That though was the least of the journey....
The journey being my health....Ive always been healthy...I am very active & I eat naturally...I eat a banana & an entire apple (core & seeds too;) everyday, hard boiled eggs, not too much meat...oh I do eat ice cream almost every nite because it helps me sleep..,..
Oops! Now about the $1,000. So my Alimony is very little although I know I a CHP wife of 20 years I was supposed to get half pay & half retirement....I didnt want to fight & I had so much anxiety over the separation leading to divorce...I was working full time (God blessed me though as I sold the two highest priced homes that year in Mt. Shasta & another home in the top ten) it all worked out; my two children get everything they need. My former (this is a term another eharmony person used in their language that I sounds kinder than the whole X thing) agreed to pay for my medical outside of the he arbitrarily decided to take it away when he got remarried last year...our daughter Rachelle graduated in May from UAF with a degree in Psychology with Art Therapy....her school loan is $800 per month. I just have to look at it as though I am the one paying for her College education and I am proud about that.
Real Estate is a fun & exciting career and I love it! It also has lean times as well as golden years. I always rest in that knowing that God gives me what I can handle & sometimes I sell a mobile home & sometimes I sell a 1.5 is all up to Him. As is everything in my Im back in Corona after moving away over 30 years ago. It is a very beautiful little town & the schools are the best in the state. It is not home to me however as my orange, lemon & avocado groves are gone..the cows are gone from Norco too. There are too many people here in Southern Calif,...I cant breath! Im looking forward to pursuing my Masters degree at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Crop Science (they dont have a Social Science Major) & living in a smaller community next to the Ocean again. The Central Coast has been home to me for 10 years of my life. Id give up living there though if & when God brings the man He has been designing for me...God has it all figured my Christian Friend Johnathon says.."I have to wait, wait, wait". Good Advice;) .
Good's & ooo's
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