So it's almost midnight and I....just decided to write a quick blog...
Rachelle is in Paris now. She is having a great time with her new friends. I hope I get to see her in a few months. I prayed about a few things....1) That God would provide for me to be able to pay my taxes and fees own fault I didnt pay attention to it...:( and 2) That He would provide for me to go to Europe to see Rachelle in Paris. Well God is so good! I just closed a huge escrow so all of my outstanding bills are paid!!!Yeah...I have two more escrows that are small yet when they close I will have the money to go to France....Pray without ceasing and with thanksgiving...what a weird combination yet that is how God wants us to do it....I've learned alot about trusting God and watching Him work in my life these past few years. Lots of answered prayers. Gotta pray tho first if you want answers.
Oh I did make the company production list a few months ago and I am the second to the last person. LOL well I was so excited I posted it on my desk with big red letters "I MADE THE LIST!" we still have about 300 people in our company and there are only 179 agents who have made a sale this year. So with my sale I will move up a bit more than second to the bottom.....I shouldnt really care about this..yet I do..well for me it is good motivation...I think that is why the company even has a list and posts it.
I still love what I do and that is the most important part about your carear.
Lets see....oh this summer was awesome...Rachelle came to visit me from Alaska twice...first visit with her boyfriend Reine...and then she came back again by herself which was sweet because we got to have our "girltime".
Frank brought her down from Sacramento and we all went to Giuseppe's for my 49th Birthday. It was nice because when we are all together its like we are a family again. Anyway no sparks for me or him Thank God...yet it was just nice because we all laugh together, feed each other, draw on the table (crayons on the paper table cloth cover) eat dessert and grown together about how full we are.... it's still our favorite place and it was a great birthday night. We went to the hotsprings which is another favorite spot. The next day we went kayaking and dolphins swam around us it was amazing! Ive never had that happen in my life. Although at Carlsbad beach where our church families camped years ago alot of dolphins swam close to us riding the waves.
Did I mention I love the beach? ;)
I worked today and then shopped with my one of my friends and we ate at Giuseppe's tonite. Hey ...its the end of September...Well it is my favorite restaurant and really that is only the 6th time I think Ive had dinner there in the two years I've been back here and I/we used to go eat there almost every week. Blessings....
Joshua 21:45 "Not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed: every one was fulfilled"