Saturday, June 16, 2012

One year later!;)

Hey I just realized I haven't posted on my blog for a year!!!!! WOW...must have been busy...actually I was kinda busy.  I moved into my own little beach cottage with views of the ocean waves from bedroom and the pier etc from my living room. There are 9 units which are a mixed group of adapted cottages from the 40's. I love Vintage...The owner only rents to single professionals. My girlfreinds daughter said "Well what if you get married? Then you cant live here" I laughed and said "good question I guess I'll have to decide whether to keep my little beach cottage or the man!! For now it's the cottage;)

At Christmas you can see the lighted Christmas tree from the pier, so that was my Christmas of my friends said "Well you can brag that my tree reflects into the ocean, can your tree do that?" gift at Christmas was that my daughter came to visit me from Alaska..we spent a warm 80 degree weather week here in Pismo Beach...we also saw my to Christmas Eve service at Mariner's church in Newport Beach with a minute to we hit that _  _ _ _ traffic in L.A. (this is why I usually take the Amtrac to see my family + its cheaper)...Rachelle and I go to Disneyland on Christmas day which has been our tradition...I made reservations the first day you could make them-60 days ahead-for the Blue Bayou. We share a Monte Cristo (which by the way is not on the menu anymore-you have to ask for it). We laugh because it is so deep fried....did we eat that or rub it on our face? back hurts...this is from Jim Gaffagahn our favorite comedian....we always buy a princess crown and wear it all often gets us to the front of the line and we get called princess alot or just get wierd looks. Anyway its always fun. And of course gotta go on Tower of Terror as many times in row as our stomachs can take it! Hopefully before we eat the Monte Cristo...

Still working at Century 21 in Pismo Beach...still havent sold a home yet this year...wrote some offers that didnt get accepted and I have many buyers and sellers I am working with....I love what I its all good.  We have an office list that shows the agents production. Half of the company of 300 agents are not on the list yet this year, which of course includes me. In my office every agent has made the list..(even if they only made $1,000 in commission)...I'll be on it next the best for last right? And someone has to be last it may as well be me because I trust God to provide and He always does far more than we every ask for....He is so good!

Last March I went to see my daughter in Fairbanks Alaska where she is going to UAF. The weather was 7 degrees yet it was worth it to see my daughter. We stayed in her dorm. She has 3 other really great room-mates they are all on Volleyball scholarships. I also got to meet her boyfriend's mom and spend some more time getting to know Reine. Rachelle and I did see the Aurora Borealis one night. It was AWESOME!!The lights danced right above us with a blueish green tone. It was a moment.

Looking forward to the best that's yet to come this year.

"You are about to cross the Jordan to enter and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you. When you have taken it over and are living there, 32 be sure that you obey all the decrees and laws I am setting before you today." Deuteronomy 11:18
